Expense AccountLet's Talk MoneyMintMoney With MonikaPersonal FinanceJune 3, 2020by Monika Halan0Money with Monika. Are you Ageing, entrenched and expensive? S4 E11
Your 50s financial toolkit against a layoff
Your 50s financial toolkit against a layoff
Are you a 50-something white collar professional? The salary cuts are giving way to job losses and this cohort is ageing, entrenched and expensive - the prime candidate for a lay off. Your financial toolkit to deal with this time.
What to do with your money as we go through the pandemic
Why it is about the market and not investor quirkiness that they behave differently between equity and debt
It is about getting the rules of the game right. Sebi has done so in there equity part of the market and not the debt. Therefore we see different behaviours in the two markets.
RBI has changed stance from just inflation targeting to growth and inflation. This is a big step and the RBI has come across as a central bank willing to do what it takes to fight Covid.
Money with Monika Decoding the 20 trillion package
The break down of the 20 trillion package. What was really spent from the budget and why it matters.
Money With Monika The Corona Conversations On Livemint: On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mint.live/videos/3874097972632027/ On You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijkzgsS3dM4 On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CAHWVcqqBB0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
This is a tenant and buyer market in real estate. Some strategies to navigate it.