UncategorizedFebruary 1, 2018by Monika Halan0Union budget 2018: A budget for Bharat, but middle India sulks
Budget 2018-19
Budget 2018-19
Budget 2018-19 ticks many boxes. it keeps the fisc under control and finds the money to push development of Bharat. India pays the bill.
The eco survey 2018 is saying two things. One, the economy is reviving. Two, there are risks ahead. Both show up in rising stock prices and falling bond prices.
How to manage money is a second order problem for women, the first one is to overcome the social and family bias against it.
You cannot NOT have an equity exposure. But it takes a focus to stay away from greed to get equity returns,
We need new road rules when the traffic volume and complexity changes. Financial markets are similar. India needs to distinguish between adviser and agent for mutual funds, insurance, pensions and other financial products.
A look in the rear view mirror to predict what lies ahead for your money in 2018