
“Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it.” – Robert Kiyosaki Coronavirus pandemic has made us realize true importance of managing our own finances. In times like these when people are losing jobs, experiencing salary cuts, businesses suffering due to country wide lockdowns etc. we can understand why knowing...

The Franklin Templeton (FT) story gets worse every few weeks. Reena Zachariah reports in The Economic Times that the fund house is trying to make a domestic capital market regulatory issue into a foreign policy issue for India. She reports that the global and Indian senior management of the fund house has reached out to the India’s...

बात पैसे की : मेहनत की कमाई से करायें मेहनत SAMAY PATRIKA / सोमवार, मार्च 01, 2021 मोनिका हालन की किताब हमें अपनी मेहनत की कमाई का उपयोग सही तरीके से करने की सलाह देती है. पैसा जीवन में बहुत उपयोगी है। उसे हम मेहनत से कमाते हैं। पैसा चिंता का विषय भी है। उसका सही...