None of us know how to deal with the Chinese virus. We are used to dealing with disastrous events in our lives and in the country. Bomb blasts, a tsunami, torrential rain and flooding, Pakistani terrorists locking down Mumbai as they hole up in South Mumbai killing and destroying, floods, droughts – these have all happened over the past few years in increasing frequency. But these events are localized. They have a devastating impact that is short term and does not affect the rest of the country. A pandemic is not something any of us have dealt with. It is scary because we can’t see the danger. It is like that game where you don’t know under which square the bomb will explode. Did that handshake with the visitor put me at risk? Did the metro ride the other day coincide with the virus case we heard about? Will India move from stage two to stage three putting millions at risk? Oh no, somebody in our locality has been confirmed positive!