Consumer RightsExpense AccountFinancial LiteracyPersonal FinanceSeptember 5, 2018by Monika Halan0The dice is loaded against those buying health insurance in India
Insurance companies in India have an intent problem. They don't intend to pay claims.
Insurance companies in India have an intent problem. They don't intend to pay claims.
Modicare can transform not just the lives of the poor, but also improve the behaviour of the insurance and healthcare sectors It is not often that Indian residents want to on-board a scheme for Bharat. If the Rs 5 lakh sum insured under Modicare for 500 million Indian poor reaches its potential, middle India...
Hospitals charge different rates for same surgery. The symptom of a deeper illness of Indian healthcare.
You need 65 two hour days to read through the brochures before you can buy medical cover. The regulator does not make it easier.
We wait for the emergency to hit before we begin planning for it. Bad idea. Be the ant. Nothing stops you from being a cool ant.
Expense Account, Mint After the “How am I doing financially?” question, the second most often asked money question is about medical insurance. Which company to buy from, how much, floater or individual, rider or not, do I need it if my office and that of my spouse gives medical cover and so on—the breadth of...
Expense Account, Mint I’m not sure it will work. I’m in Pondy (Puducherry) on holiday and almost out of cash. I have my ATM card but my bank does not have a machine here. And you can’t pay an auto guy 30 bucks with a credit card—at least not yet. I confess to never having...